Tips on Improving Your Sleep
Are you sick of tossing and turning all night? Perhaps you are waking up feeling more tired than when you went to bed the night before? Implement these following tips which will lead you in the right direction to getting the best nights sleep ever.
Sleep Schedule
Following a regular sleep schedule is key to getting a better night’s sleep as it allows you to get in sync with your body and circadian rhythm. If you go to sleep at different times each night and set irregular alarms, your body will find it difficult to adjust, and as a result, you will struggle to feel restored and energised. Going to bed at the same time each night and setting an alarm to wake up at the same time each morning allows you to create an internal body clock, which optimises the quality of your sleep you receive. Allowing yourself to have a sleep in on weekends can ruin your natural body clock as it disrupts your rhythm. So, if you are craving that extra bit of sleep, try having a nap during the day, your body will thank you for it.
Napping during the day can be a great way to get a ‘pick me up’, however, be smart about it and don’t allow yourself to over nap as this has the potential to do more harm than good at night. Limiting your naps between 10 - 30 minutes will be effective and will not disrupt your sleeping schedule too significantly.
If you are struggling to sleep during the night, consider your daily caffeine intake as it could just be the culprit. Caffeine consumption varies depending on the individual, however, it does have the ability to affect both energy levels and sleeping patterns. Nicotine acts as a similar stimulant to caffeine so be mindful of smoking prior to going to bed as this too is likely to cause disruptions.
Overeating and consuming large meals just before bed also has the ability to impact sleep. Consuming alcohol prior to going to sleep can actually make you fall asleep faster, but it is likely to disrupt your overall sleep. Alcohol affects the normal production of chemicals within the body, triggering sleepiness after being awake for an extensive period of time and subsiding once you have had enough sleep.
People who exercise for as little as 10 minutes per day are likely to sleep a lot better at night. The more vigorous you exercise during the day, the better you will sleep. Even a 10-minute walk or yoga exercise will stimulate a better sleep. Regular exercise drives better-quality sleep as it helps to enhance the duration of your sleep by reducing stress and tiring you out (as it allows your body to burn more energy throughout the day). If you are wanting to introduce daily exercise into your routine to help sleep at night, fitness bands are very effective and can be used in as little as 10-minutes.
Sleeping Environment
The environment in which you sleep plays a critical part in getting the best possible sleep. In particular, factors including allergies, dust mites, pets or even mould that may be present has the ability to affect the quality of your sleep. These factors can irritate your eyes, congestion, nose and can wake you up throughout the night. Start by removing these triggers from your sleeping environment such as by removing any pets and washing your bed sheets regularly. If you find that you are still having issues, it can be helpful to start taking antihistamines or products that work against your symptoms, such as nasal spray.
Neutralising noise and light in your sleeping environment is further associated with getting better-quality sleep. If you are struggling to eliminate external sounds from your sleeping environment, you could either mask it with a fan/humidifier or sleep with some noise cancelling earplugs. Controlling the exposure to light is further associated with getting better sleep so try eliminating light with some blackout curtains or sleep with an eye mask.
Wind down and clear your mind
Unwinding before you try to go to bed is associated with getting better-quality sleep as you need to clear your mind and get in the right headspace. Stress and anger (that you may have experienced during the day) can make it very difficult for you to fall asleep at night if you fail to unwind. Unwinding from the day can be as simple as creating a bedtime ritual that encourages relaxation, such as playing calming music, having a warm bath, using a face mask or practicing mediation. Winding down and clearing your mind from your stressors, anger and busy life will help lower your heart rate and blood pressure, resulting in an overall improved sleep.
Implement these tips to ensure that you receive a good night’s sleep! The Peach Builder Co are your number one bands to work out with. They are practical fitness products that can be used for both moderate and vigorous intensity workouts. Get your Peach Builder resistance bands online now and work towards improving your sleep.