Important Functions of Protein in your Body

Most people know that protein is a crucial element that is ought to be present within most diets, but most of us also don’t really know why that is? Sure we know that protein helps in keeping us fuller for longer, but why is that? What makes protein one of the most important macronutrients? If you are after that muscle growth, particularly in the posterior region, then it is vital to be eating enough protein that fulfils your body’s needs whilst also allows for your muscle mass to increase. Discover the essential functions of protein and how they affect us. 

What are Proteins?

Proteins are large complex molecules, made up from thousands of amino acids, which are attached in a chain composition and are essential for the structure, function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs. Protein can be found throughout the body (in fact, within every cell) and makes up the enzymes that are responsible for chemical reactions as well as the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood, therefore your body is quite literally made up from protein. 


Muscle Growth

Protein is a term that is widely used within the fitness industry as protein assists in muscle growth and is needed by all individuals, as the body requires it for the growth and maintenance of tissue mass. Protein makes up the foundation of your muscles, therefore the higher protein intake you consume, the easier it is to maintain that muscle mass, as well as increase muscle mass. Your body breaks down the same amount of protein that it uses to repair and build tissues, however, it is important to note that there are times where it may require more protein, such as during illness, pregnancy or breastfeeding. 

Biochemical Reactions

Enzymes are one of the many types of protein that can be found within the body that are known for aiding the biochemical reactions that take place within and outside your cells. These enzymes have many important functions within the body including their ability to assist with the body’s metabolism as well as breakdown and assist in the digestion of sugar. These enzymes also play a vital role in blood clotting and muscle contraction.


There are a type of protein that are present within the body (fibrous proteins) that provide structure, strength and elasticity to certain areas. These proteins include collagen, keratin and elastin. These proteins are commonly known for their assistance in strengthening the ‘beauty’ elements of our body, such as the hair, skin and nails. Collagen is one of the larger proteins that is found throughout the entire body, and is known for providing structure within bones, tendons, ligaments and skin. Keratin, again, is another structural protein that assists in the health of your skin, hair and nails. Whilst Elastin is a highly durable protein that allows tissues to return back to their original shape after moving (think uterus, lungs and arteries). 


Transports and Stores

There are a group of proteins that are responsible for transporting and storing nutrients within the bloodstream. The nutrients that are either transported or stored include iron, oxygen, vitamins and minerals, blood sugar and cholesterol. 

Reduces Hunger 

The body needs the three major macronutrients in order to function at its optimal level - fats, carbs and protein. Out of these three, protein is the one that keeps you feeling fuller for longer. It does this by reducing the level of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, whilst increases the levels of peptide YY, which is a hormone that leaves you feeling full. 


There are certain proteins that are present within the body that act as chemical messengers, transporting important ‘information’ between your cells, tissues and organs. Made and released from endocrine tissues and glands, they are transported into the bloodstream and are delivered to their ‘assigned’ organs where they then bind to protein receptors on the cell surface. These proteins make up most of the bodies hormones. An example of a message that gets delivered is with Insulin or with ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), where the proteins stimulates the release of cortisol which is a key component within the metabolism process.


The importance of protein is often overlooked, with most people only resembling the functions of protein with muscle mass and fullness levels. However, as you can see, protein is a key component that is needed within people’s diets as it provides much more, contributing to key functions that assist in the human body to operate. 

If you are wanting to grow and tone those glutes, it is important to incorporate a healthy amount of protein within your diet in conjunction with a fitness regime that includes strength training with resistance bands. The Peach Builder booty bands allow women to activate their booty, helping with the ultimate toning and growth.